So far, our agent only knows how to drive forward. But if something happen (like a crash with another car during a race), and the agent go off-course to hit the wall for example, it will still try to move forward and be stuck!
In this chapter we will come up with an approach to recognize that our agent is off-course and implement a mechanism to recover from such incident.
A Basic Recovery Strategy
Basically if our car is stuck, we recover, else, we drive normally.
We will consider that our car is stuck, if the angle of the car relative to the
track is greater than a certain value during a certain period of time.
We will start with 30 degrees as our angle limit, and 100 the number of
simulation steps up to which we will consider the car stuck.
Since the simulation time is 0.02 seconds, the Drive(...)
method is
executed every 0.02 seconds. This means that our car needs to form an angle
with an absolute value greater than 30 degrees relatively to the track,
for 2 seconds (or more) before we trigger the recovering process.
Let's start by defining those new constants in carcontroller.h.
// ...
// ...
static const float MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE;
static const float UNSTUCK_TIME_LIMIT;
// ...
int stuck_counter;
// ...
At the beginning of carcontroller.cpp we initialize MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE
// ...
const float Driver::MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE = 30.0/180.0*PI; /* [radians] */
const float Driver::UNSTUCK_TIME_LIMIT = 2.0; /* [s] */
We also initialise MAX_UNSTUCK_COUNT
and stuck_counter
in the
method. Note that MAX_UNSTUCK_COUNT
stays constant after
this first initialization.
void CarController::NewRace(tCarElt* car, tSituation* s)
// ...
stuck_counter = 0;
// ...
thing ? It is a constant defined in
$TORCS_BASE/src/interfaces/raceman.h that represents the mean robot update
rate that is equal to 0.02 second, So MAX_UNSTUCK_COUNT
will be 100.
Then in carcontroller.cpp we write a method that tells us if our car is stuck or not. The implementation steps are quite simple:
- Initialize a stuck counter to 0
- If the absolute value of the angle between the car and the track is smaller
than a certain value
, reset the counter to 0 and return false (Meaning "not stuck") - If the angle is smaller than a certain limit (100), increase the counter and return false (for "not stuck"). Otherwise return true (for "stuck").
* Check if the car is off course (stuck)
bool CarController::IsStuck(){
float angle = RtTrackSideTgAngleL(&(car->_trkPos)) - car->_yaw;
angle = remainder(angle, 2*PI);
if(fabs(angle) < MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE){
stuck_counter = 0;
return false;
if (stuck_counter < 100){
return false;
} else {
return true;
As previously explained, this method will be used in our driving strategy. If the car is stuck we recover by counter steering and going back (until the car is no more stuck).
void CarController::Drive(tSituation* situation)
memset((void *)&car->ctrl, 0, sizeof(tCarCtrl)); // reset the values
full_car_mass = car_mass + car->_fuel;
float car_angle = CurrentCarAngle(situation);
car->_steerCmd = - car_angle;
car->_gear = -1; // reverse
car->_accelCmd = 0.3; // 30% acceleration
car->_brakeCmd = 0.0; // no brakes
} else {
car->_steerCmd = GetSteering(car_angle);
car->_gearCmd = GetGear();
car->_brakeCmd = GetBrake();
if (car->_brakeCmd == 0.0){
car->_accelCmd = GetAcceleration();
} else {
car->_accelCmd = 0.0;
[compile and test ? how to check? collision ?]
Below is a illustration to help us get our head wrapped around a situation of getting stuck.
This approach is simple and get the job done in most case. Yet, there is an edge case we have to take into account.
A Better Recovery Strategy
Consider the situation where the car is oversteering in a turn and the angle between the track tangent and the car increase. At a certain point the angle becomes big enough (> 30 degree), and start incrementing the 'stuck' counter. If the 'stuck' counter gets to 100 and the car hits the wall with its back, we will try to get unstuck. Since the back of the car is against the wall, and the unstuck method is the back up, we will stay stuck! Having a close look at the figure below representing that situation, we don't need to get 'unstuck' i.e back off is such situation. We can simply drive forward to come back on the track. This is mainly because the front of our car point toward the middle of the track (or looks inside the track).
To detect if the car points to the middle of the track or not, we will use
the angle formed by the car and the tangent to the track, and the car
position relatively to the middle of the track. The angle formed by the car
direction and the tangent of the track is positive when it goes clockwise, and
negative when it goes counter-clockwise. The relative position of the car to
the middle of the track is represented by car->_trkPos.toMiddle
, which is
positive on the left side of the track and negative on the right side. We can
conclude that if the 'angle fo the car' times the 'position to the middle' is
positive, we are looking toward the middle of the track. The figure below
illustrate the different values used as criteria and the case where the car
(in red) look outside the track and the car (in blue) looks inside the track.
We will just drive forward if fabs(angle) < MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE
. Else, we are
looking outward and it the stuck_counter
is already big enough, IsStuck()
returns true. Otherwise If stuck_counter
is less, we increment it.
To trigger the unstuck mechanism more safely, we will add a condition on the speed to be below a certain threshold.
Let's start the implementation. First, let's use some constants to hold the [...] speed and the [...] distance.
// ...
static const float MAX_UNSTUCK_SPEED;
static const float MIN_UNSTUCK_DIST;
We initialize the constants at the top of carcontroller.cpp
const float Driver::MAX_UNSTUCK_SPEED = 5.0; /* [m/s] */
const float Driver::MIN_UNSTUCK_DIST = 3.0; /* [m] */
Let's make the modificaitons in IsStuck(...)
bool CarController::IsStuck(){
float angle = RtTrackSideTgAngleL(&(car->_trkPos)) - car->_yaw;
angle = remainder(angle, 2*PI);
if(fabs(angle) > MAX_UNSTUCK_ANGLE &&
car->_speed_x < MAX_UNSTUCK_SPEED &&
fabs(car->_trkPos.toMiddle) > MIN_UNSTUCK_DIST){
if(stuck_counter > MAX_UNSTUCK_COUNT && car->_trkPos.toMiddle*angle < 0.0){
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
stuck_counter = 0;
return false;
Let's increase the reverse throttle value, in the Drive
method a bit.
if (IsStuck(car)) {
car->ctrl.steer = -angle / car->_steerLock;
car->ctrl.gear = -1; // reverse gear
car->ctrl.accelCmd = 0.5; // 50% accelerator pedal
car->ctrl.brakeCmd = 0.0; // no brakes
} else {
// ...
[Download and Test drive]