Tutorials, Research and Thoughts

Create Your First TORCS Racing AI Bot - Part 06: Collision avoidance and Overtaking

This chapter will describe an approach to implement avoidance and overtaking of opponents in a race. There are plenty of ways to do it. Here we will present a simple one, meaning you are free to improve it or rethink the whole thing.

We start by collecting race information about our opponents, and use that information to avoid them and/or overtake them.

Collecting Opponent's data

Let's create an opponent class that will hold data for a given opponent relative to our AI agent (eg. the distance between that opponent and our AI agent). For simplicity we will that class will also hold data which depends only on a given opponent, and can be computed independently of our AI agent (eg. the speed of a given opponent).

Our approach is a bit inefficient because in future chapters, as we will learn to run multiple instances of our robot, base on the same code called module, some of those variables that are computed independently of our AI agent will be recomputed unecessarely by each instance of our robot module. It will be better to put such calculation in an other class visible by all the AI agents of our module. Anyway this is no time to ponder on this problem. We didn't even talked about this module thing right?! This is for coming chapters.

Create a header file named opponent.h that will contain the declaration of the Opponent class we just talked about and of the Opponents class that is hold a collection of Opponents.

The Opponent Class

#ifndef _OPPONENT_H_
#define _OPPONENT_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <tgf.h>
#include <track.h>
#include <car.h>
#include <raceman.h>
#include <robottools.h>
#include <robot.h>

#include "linalg/vector2d.h"
#include "carcontroller.h"

#define OPP_IGNORE  0
#define OPP_FRONT   (1<<0)
#define OPP_BACK    (1<<1)
#define OPP_SIDE    (1<<2)
#define OPP_COLL    (1<<3)

class CarController;

 * Class encapsulating data of our AI agent opponents.
class Opponent {

        void SetCar(tCarElt *car) { this->car = car; }
        static void SetTrack(tTrack *track) { Opponent::track = track; }

        static float GetSpeed(tCarElt *car);
        tCarElt *GetCar() { return car; }
        int GetState() { return state; }
        float GetCatchDistance() { return catch_distance; }
        float GetDistance() { return distance; }
        float GetSideDistance() { return side_distance; }
        float GetWidth() { return width; }
        float GetSpeed() { return speed; }

        void Update(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller);

        float GetDistanceToSegmentStart();

        tCarElt *car;       /* pointer to the opponents car */
        float distance;     /* approximation of the real distance */
        float speed;        /* speed in direction of the track */
        float catch_distance;    /* distance needed to catch the opponent */
        float width;        /* the cars needed width on the track */
        float side_distance;     /* distance of center of gravity of the cars */
        int state;          /* state bitmask of the opponent */

        /* class variables */
        static tTrack *track;

        /* constants */
        static float FRONT_COLLDIST;
        static float BACK_COLLDIST;
        static float SIDE_COLLDIST;
        static float LENGTH_MARGIN;
        static float WIDTH_MARGIN;

 * Holds an array of Opponents our AI agent is racing against
class Opponents {
        Opponents(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller);

        void Update(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller);
        Opponent *GetOpponentPtr() { return opponent; }
        int Count() { return count; }

        Opponent *opponent;
        int count;

#endif _OPPONENT_H_

The code start by including the necessary header, then define bitmasks aliases that will be useful to classify opponents. There is also a CarController class prototype declaration, because of the cross dependency [Of what? be more assertive]. After that we can declare the Opponent class, that mainly contains values and 'getters' of the information we want to hold. Finally, we declare the Opponents class that hold an array of Opponents characterized by and Opponent pointer (the address of the array), and the number of opponents we are dealing with.

Now create a file named opponent.cpp where we will define the symbols we just declared.

We start by including the header and define the class variables and constants.

#include "opponent.h"

tTrack* Opponent::track;
float Opponent::FRONT_COLLDIST = 200.0;  /* [m] distance to check for other cars */
float Opponent::BACK_COLLDIST = 50.0;    /* [m] distance to check for other cars */
float Opponent::LENGTH_MARGIN = 2.0;    /* [m] safety margin */
float Opponent::WIDTH_MARGIN = 1.0;      /* [m] safety margin */

FRONT_COLLDIST and BACK_COLLDIST respectively define distances from which our AI agent will start checking for collision at the front and at the back. LENGTH_MARGIN and WIDTH_MARGIN are safety margins respectively on the length and width axis of our AI agent's car as minimal distance we would like to maintain to our opponents. You can go further and put those parameters in an XML setup file and load them at startup (...more on loading setups in coming chapters).

The following Opponent::GetSpeed(tCarElt *car) method computes the speed of the car in the direction of the track. We first get the direction of the track at the cars location. After that, we compose the speed vector of the car. We use _speed_X and _speed_Y here, the uppercase X and Y means that the speed vector is in global coordinates, the lowercase x and y are the speeds in the "instantaneously coincident frame of reference", a coordinate system that is oriented like the cars body but doesn't move with the car (if it would move with the car the _speed_x and _speed_y would always be zero). From the trackangle we compute a direction vector of the track (its length is one). Finally we compute the dot product of the speed and the direction, which will give us the speed in the direction of the track.

 * Compute speed component parallel to the track 
float Opponent::GetSpeed(tCarElt *car)
    Vector2D speed, direction;
    float track_angle = RtTrackSideTgAngleL(&(car->_trkPos));

    speed.x = car->_speed_X;
    speed.y = car->_speed_Y;
    direction.x = cos(track_angle);
    direction.y = sin(track_angle);
    return speed * direction;

The next method Opponent::getDistToSegStart() computes the distance of the opponent to the segments start. The reason is that car->_trkPos.toStart contains the length of the segment for straight segments and for turns the arc, so we need a conversion to the length.

 * Compute the length to the start of the segment 
float Opponent::GetDistanceToSegmentStart()
    if (car->_trkPos.seg->type == TR_STR) {
        return car->_trkPos.toStart;
    } else {
        return car->_trkPos.toStart * car->_trkPos.seg->radius;

Now we will have a look at the Opponent::Update(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller) function that is responsible for the update of the values in the Opponent instances.

First we get a pointer to our AI agent controller, that we name agent. We set the initial state to ignore the current opponent. We then check if the opponent's car is not longer part of the simulation. We do that using RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU which is a car state flag defined in $TORCS_BASE/src/interfaces/car.h, that indicate if a car is simulated or not.

Next, we compute the distance of the center of the agent car (our car), to the center of the current opponent car. We achieve that by computing the distances to the start line and taking the difference. Our calculation is approximating the real distance. For a more accurate value, we have to compute it with the cars corners (look up car.h). The if part is to "normalize" the distance. Note that from the position of our agent up to a the half track length, the opponent is in front of us (distance is positive). Otherwise, the opponent is behind (distance is negative). A detail is that we can't use _distFromStartLine, an alias of race.distFromStartLine in car.h of the opponent, because it is a private field [??].

We update the speed with the previously introduced GetSpeed() method. Then we compute the width of the opponents car on the track (think the car is turned 90 degrees on the track, then the needed "width" is its length).

Then, we check if the opponent is in the range we defined as relevant. After that, the classification of the opponent starts. In this part we check if it is in front of us and slower. If that is the case we compute the distance we need to drive to catch the opponent (catchdist, we assume the speeds are constant) and set the opponents flag OPP_FRONT. Because the "distance" contains the value of the cars centers we need to subtract a car length and the safety margin. At the end we check if we could collide with to opponent. If yes, we set the flag OPP_COLL.

Here we check if the opponent is behind us and faster. We won't use that in the tutorial robot, but you will need it if you want to let overlap faster opponents.

This part is responsible to check if the opponent is aside of us. If yes, we compute the distance (sideways) and set the flag OPP_SIDE.

 * Update the values in Opponent this 
void Opponent::Update(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller)
    tCarElt *agent = car_controller->GetCar();

    /* init state of opponent to ignore */
    state = OPP_IGNORE;

    /* if the car is out of the simulation ignore it */
    if (car->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) {

    /* updating distance along the middle */
    float oppToStart = car->_trkPos.seg->lgfromstart + GetDistanceToSegmentStart();
    distance = oppToStart - agent->_distFromStartLine;
    if (distance > track->length/2.0) {
        distance -= track->length;
    } else if (distance < -track->length/2.0) {
        distance += track->length;

    /* update speed in track direction */
    speed = Opponent::GetSpeed(car);
    float cosa = speed/sqrt(car->_speed_X*car->_speed_X + car->_speed_Y*car->_speed_Y);
    float alpha = acos(cosa);
    width = car->_dimension_x*sin(alpha) + car->_dimension_y*cosa;
    float SIDECOLLDIST = MIN(car->_dimension_x, agent->_dimension_x);

    /* is opponent in relevant range -50..200 m */
    if (-BACK_COLLDIST < distance && distance < FRONT_COLLDIST) {
        /* is opponent in front and slower */
        if (distance > SIDECOLLDIST && speed < car_controller->GetSpeed()) {
            catch_distance = car_controller->GetSpeed() * distance/ (car_controller->GetSpeed() - speed);
            state |= OPP_FRONT;
            distance -= MAX(car->_dimension_x, agent->_dimension_x);
            distance -= LENGTH_MARGIN;
            float cardist = car->_trkPos.toMiddle - agent->_trkPos.toMiddle;
            side_distance = cardist;
            cardist = fabs(cardist) - fabs(width/2.0) - agent->_dimension_y/2.0;
            if (cardist < WIDTH_MARGIN) state |= OPP_COLL;
        } else if (distance < -SIDECOLLDIST && speed > car_controller->GetSpeed()) {/* is opponent behind and faster */
            catch_distance = car_controller->GetSpeed()*distance/(speed - car_controller->GetSpeed());
            state |= OPP_BACK;
            distance -= MAX(car->_dimension_x, agent->_dimension_x);
            distance -= LENGTH_MARGIN;
        } else if (distance > -SIDECOLLDIST && distance < SIDECOLLDIST) {/* is opponent aside */
            side_distance = car->_trkPos.toMiddle - agent->_trkPos.toMiddle;
            state |= OPP_SIDE;

Now the implementation of the Opponents class methods.

First the constructor. The constructor allocates memory and generates the Opponent instances. The destructor deletes the instances and frees the memory.

 * Initialize the list of opponents 
Opponents::Opponents(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller)
    opponent = new Opponent[s->_ncars - 1];
    int i, j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++) {
        if (s->cars[i] != car_controller->GetCar()) {
    count = s->_ncars - 1;

Then the Opponents::Update

    delete [] opponent;

Modifying our AI agent controller

Let's add the missing methods to access some data of our car controller class from the opponent class.

 *  Updates all the Opponent instances 
void Opponents::Update(tSituation *s, CarController *car_controller)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars - 1; i++) {
        opponent[i].Update(s, car_controller);

Updating the Makefile

Add the Opponent class to the compilation configuration by adding 'opponent.cpp' to the SOURCES variables in the Makefile

SOURCES     = ${ROBOT}.cpp carcontroller.cpp opponent.cpp

[Test Drive + Video ?]

Collision Avoidance

Our agent will handle two cases of collision avoidance: front collision and side collision. Diffent commands are applied to handle each one of them. In this section we implement two basic approaches to avoid collisions according to the situation (the type of collision we want to avoid).

Avoiding Front Collision

A front collision is the case where the front part of our AI agent's car hits an opponent's car at it's back. We will avoid this type of collision by adding an additional filter to our braking mechanism.

First, let's add the necessary declaration to our CarController class. We include the opponent.h header and add the forward-declaration of the Opponent and Opponents classes. We also add a destructor, declare the braking filter method in the public section of the class, and an Opponents and Opponent pointers to hold the list of opponents and the current opponent we will analyze at a given time.

//... Other includes
#include "opponent.h"

class Opponents;
class Opponent;

class CarController {

        // ...

        float FilterBrakeCollision(float brake);
        Opponents *opponents;
        Opponent opponent;

Now to the implementation in carcontroller.cpp. We define the destructor.

    delete opponents;

Instantiate the Opponent(s) classes in NewRace method

void CarController::NewRace(tCarElt* car, tSituation* s)
    opponents = new Opponents(s, this);
    opponent = opponents->GetOpponentPtr();

Let's implement the filter method. In a nutshell it iterates through the opponents and checks for every opponent which has been tagged with OPP_COLL if we need to brake to avoid a collision. If yes we brake full and leave the method.

We set up some variables and then we enter the loop to iterate through all opponents. The presented solution is not optimal. You could replace the call to GetDistance() with GetChatchDist(), but additional code is necessary to make it work. The computation of the brakedistance should be familiar from previous chapters.

 * Filter the brake to avoid a front collision
float CarController::FilterBrakeCollision(float brake){
    float current_speed_sqr = car->_speed_x * car->_speed_x;
    float mu = car->_trkPos.seg->surface->kFriction;
    float cm = mu * G * full_car_mass;
    float ca = CA * mu * CW;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; opponents->Count(); i++){
        if (opponent[i].GetState() & OPP_COLL ){
            float allowed_speed_sqr = pow(opponent[i].GetSpeed(), 2);
            float brake_distance = full_car_mass * (current_speed_sqr - allowed_speed_sqr) 
                / (2.0 * (cm + allowed_speed_sqr * ca)); 
                if(brake_distance > opponent[i].GetDistance()){
                    return 1.0;
    return brake;

Now we can call it in the GetBrake method.

float CarController::GetBrake()
    // ...
    brake = FilterABS(FilterBrakeCollision(brake));
    return brake;

[Test drive with other robots or driver]

Avoiding Side Collision

In this section we add a collision avoidance mechanism for cars that drive aside of our car. The following implementation will add an additional filter to the steer value. But it doesn't check if we leave the track.

We start with the declaration in carcontroller.h.

class CarController {

        // ...
        static const float SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN;

        // ...
        float FilterSteeringCollision(float steering);
        // ...

We go in carcontroller.cpp for the definitions. The SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN constant at the beginning.

const float CarController::SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN = 2.0; /* [m] */

The FilterSteeringCollision method do an approximate search of the nearest car aside of our agent's one, at first. If there is another car it checks if it is inside the SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN. If so, it computes a new steer value and returns it.

Concretely, we iterate through all cars and check those which have been marked with the OPP_SIDE flag. Among those cars, we select the closest one, using min_side_distance to keep the minimum distance between our car and another one, and opp a pointer to hold the closest car flagged with OPP_SIDE. Note: min_side_distance is initialized with the maximum float value because we search for the minimum.

If we found an opponent with our search criteria (opp is not null) we check if it is inside the margin. To keep the method simple we assumed that our car is parallel to the track (which is not true most of the time).

After that, we compute dist, the side distance between our car and the closest opponent, without the opponent car's width. If dist is below the side collision margin, we compute c, the half of the side collision margin. After that, we compute parallel_steering which is the amount of steering to apply to drive parallel to the opponent we are trying to avoid. It is obtained by normalizing the angle_difference between our car and the opponent's.

The value dist / c is used to weight the sum of the normal steering and the parallel_steering. The result (steering) value will turn away our car from the opponent's when we are near (about to hit) him.

The mechanism described here can be improved with moore accurate distances, and also checking if the normal steering value already point away of the opponent's car, before further computations.

[TODO: an illustration of the situation]

 * Filter the steering to avoid a collision from the side
float CarController::FilterSteeringCollision(float steering){
    int i;
    float side_distance = 0.0, 
        abs_side_distance = 0.0, 
        min_side_distance = FLT_MAX;
    Opponent *opp = NULL;

    /* get the index of the nearest car (o) */
    for (i = 0; i < opponents->Count(); i++) {
        if (opponent[i].GetState() & OPP_SIDE) {
            side_distance = opponent[i].GetSideDistance();
            abs_side_distance = fabs(side_distance);
            if (abs_side_distance < min_side_distance) {
                min_side_distance = abs_side_distance;
                opp = &opponent[i];
    /* if there is another car handle the situation */
    if (opp != NULL) {
        float dist = min_side_distance - opp->GetWidth();
        /* near enough */
        if (dist < SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN) {
            /* compute angle between cars */
            tCarElt *ocar = opp->GetCar();
            float angle_difference = ocar->_yaw - car->_yaw;
            remainder(angle_difference, 2*PI);
            const float c = SIDE_COLLISION_MARGIN/2.0;
            dist = dist - c;
            if (dist < 0.0) dist = 0.0;
            float parallel_steering = angle_difference / car->_steerLock;
            return steering*(dist / c) + 2.0* parallel_steering * (1.0 - dist / c);
        return steering;
    return steering;

We can now use the filter in the GetSteering method. Change the last line to the following two.

float CarController::GetSteering(float car_angle)
    // ...
    float steering = target_angle / car->_steerLock;
    return FilterSteeringCollision(steering);

[Test drive, video]


If we race, it is to win! So we have to tell our ai agent how to overtake. As usual, the overtaking mechanism we implement here is quite basic.

If there are opponent cars in front ours (flagged with OPP_FRONT), we pick the one with the smallest catch up distance, to attempt an overtake.

To overtake an opponent we will add (another) modification to the steering value. This is based on modifying the target point used for our trajectory. Depending on the side we want to pass an opponent, we slightly add an offset vector to the target point. This offset is perpendicular to the track tangent.

[TODO: Illustration]

Let's make the necessary declarations in carcontroller.h.

class CarController {

        // ...
        static const float BORDER_OVERTAKE_MARGIN;
        static const float OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT;

        // ...
        float GetOvertakeOffset();
        // ...
        float overtake_offset;
        // ...

Then in carcontroller.cpp we define the values of the constants at the beginning of the file.

BORDER_OVERTAKE_MARGIN is the border relative to the FilterTrack(float acceleration) width. It should avoid that we leave the range on the track where FilterTrackallows acceleration. OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT is the increment of the offset value. We also lower the value of the WIDTH_DIV constant.

// ...
const float CarController::WIDTH_DIV = 3.0; // [-]
// ...
const float CarController::BORDER_OVERTAKE_MARGIN = 0.5; /* [m] */
const float CarController::OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT = 0.1;    /* [m/timestep] */

overtake_offset is initialize to zero in the NewRace() method.

void CarController::NewRace(tCarElt* car, tSituation* s)
    // ...
    overtake_offset = 0.0;
    // ...

And here is the implementation of GetOvertakeOffset() that compute the offset to the target point.

[More explanation ?] Now we have a look on how we compute the offset of the target point.

As we discussed earlier, we hold a pointer opp to the car with the smallest catch_distance (the one we will reach first), among the car with the OPP_FRONT set (in front of us).

In case we found an opponent to overtake (opp is not NULL), we check which side of the track that opponent is, and if there is enough space on the other side of the track to overtake.

In case we have not found an opponent to overtake, the offset goes back slightly toward zero. In the next section we will add the offset to the target point.

 * Compute an offset to the trajectory target point for overtaking.
 * */
float CarController::GetOvertakeOffset(){
    int i;
    float catch_distance, 
        min_catch_distance = FLT_MAX;
    Opponent *opp = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < opponents->Count(); i++) {
        if (opponent[i].GetState() & OPP_FRONT) {
            catch_distance = opponent[i].GetCatchDistance();
        if (catch_distance < min_catch_distance) {
                min_catch_distance = catch_distance;
                opp = &opponent[i];
    if (opp != NULL) {
        float w = opp->GetCar()->_trkPos.seg->width / WIDTH_DIV - BORDER_OVERTAKE_MARGIN;
        float opp_to_middle = opp->GetCar()->_trkPos.toMiddle;
        if (opp_to_middle > 0.0 && overtake_offset > -w) 
            overtake_offset -= OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT;
        else if (overtake_offset < 0.0 && overtake_offset < w) 
            overtake_offset += OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT;
    } else {
        if (overtake_offset > OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT) 
            overtake_offset -= OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT;
        else if (overtake_offset < -OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT) 
            overtake_offset += OVERTAKE_OFFSET_INCREMENT;
            overtake_offset = 0.0;
    return overtake_offset;

Finally, we need to add the offset to the target point. We will include the calculations that directly into the GetTargetPoint() method. For that, we compute a normalized vector at the target point perpendicular to the track tangent. We also multiply it with the offset before we adding it to the target vector.

Here are the modifications of GetTargetPoint(). The first change is the offset variable, initialized with GetOvertakeOffset().

The tangent_perpendicular holds the normalized vector perpendicular to the track tangent at the target point. The computation depends on whether the target point is on a straight or a turn.

 * Find a target point ahead of the car toward which the wheels will steer
Vector2D CarController::GetTargetPoint()
    tTrackSeg* segment = car->_trkPos.seg;
    float look_ahead = LOOK_AHEAD_CONST + car->_speed_x * LOOK_AHEAD_FACTOR;
    float length = DistanceFromCarToSegmentEnd();
    float offset = GetOvertakeOffset();

    while (length < look_ahead) {
        segment = segment->next;
        length += segment->length;  
    length = look_ahead - length + segment->length;
    float target_x = (segment->vertex[TR_SL].x + segment->vertex[TR_SR].x) / 2.0;
    float target_y = (segment->vertex[TR_SL].y + segment->vertex[TR_SR].y) / 2.0;
    Vector2D target(target_x, target_y);
    if ( segment->type == TR_STR) {
        float tangent_perpendicular_x = (segment->vertex[TR_EL].x - segment->vertex[TR_ER].x) / segment->length;
        float tangent_perpendicular_y = (segment->vertex[TR_EL].y - segment->vertex[TR_ER].y) / segment->length;
        Vector2D tangent_perpendicular(tangent_perpendicular_x, tangent_perpendicular_y);
        float direction_x = (segment->vertex[TR_EL].x - segment->vertex[TR_SL].x) / segment->length;
        float direction_y = (segment->vertex[TR_EL].y - segment->vertex[TR_SL].y) / segment->length;
        Vector2D direction(direction_x, direction_y);
        return target + direction * length + offset * tangent_perpendicular;
    } else {
        Vector2D center(segment->center.x, segment->center.y);  
        float arc = length / segment->radius;
        float arcsign = (segment->type == TR_RGT) ? -1 : 1;
        arc *= arcsign;
        target =  target.Rotate(center, arc);
        Vector2D tangent_perpendicular = center - target;
        return target + arcsign * offset * tangent_perpendicular;

[Test drive & video]

[TODO: about camber setting change]

Let me know if you have a different implementation